Workforce Digital Transformation Summit 2024

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May 16 - 17
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Digital Transformation has emerged as a key driver of organizational success. From

reimagining traditional business models to leveraging advanced analytics, cloud computing, and AI, it is reshaping industries, empowering employees, and revolutionizing the way we engage with customers. New Work Reality has created a unique opportunity for HR to be the best advocate for both workforce and organization, bringing the sought for synergy of human capital, digitalization and organization goals and creating more healthy, holistic and successful ecosystems.

May 2024, Workforce Digital Transformation Summit is privilleged to gather HR thought leaders, industry experts, and pioneers to share invaluable insights and experiences in navigating this digital frontier. From renowned keynote speakers to interactive panel discussions and immersive workshops, we will explore the cutting-edge strategies, transformative tools needed to thrive in an era of digital, and success case studies that drive HR Digitalization.

Workforce Digital Transformation Summit is a platform for HR Practitioners to come together to unleash the full potential of Digital Transformation, forging a path towards a brighter, more innovative tomorrow step by step:


  • Hybrid Work Reality
  • Data Literacy
  • Hybrid Culture Ecosystem
  • Empathetic Leadership


  • Well-being & Work-life Balance
  • Continuous Performance
  • Life-Long Learning
  • Data as the Foundation

Collaborate on

  • EX Excellence
  • AI & HR Predictive Analytics
  • Building Skill Preparedness
  • Digital Workplace Strategies


  • HR Tech into a Work Tech
  • Talent Aquisition Strategies
  • Workforce Agility with Talent Marketplace
  • DE&I Workforce Strategies

150+ Sr. Level
HR Practitioners
90% of end users
Panel Discussions
Case studies

Subject-matter experts
Cocktail Reception
Unlimited Networking
May 2023 Summit Sneak Peek: Workforce Digital Transformation Unveiled!
Participants overview
10,000+ employees
Company Size
Director and above
Seniority Level
Human Resources
Event starts in
  • Previously Supported by
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